Trusting God against all odds
Scriptural reference: Proverbs 3:5-6, Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 145:13b:17-20, Hebrews 12:2, 5:15-16, Psalm145:8, Hebrews 11:6.
It also means confident expectation and hope of something from one who made a promise to you.
Trust also mean having confidence in the certainty of future compensation or promise of well-being by someone higher than you are.
Trusting God against all odds means loving, believing, and being faithful, confident and hopeful in God in the event of unfavorable life outcomes.
Consistent encounter with failure irrespective of efforts made to become successful places one in an odd circumstance.
Most people have unrealistic expectation of life. They only live in the present. When things does not work out their own way or in the manner they expected, discouragement sets in. They throw in the towel on God. They give in to temporary setback, opposition, rejection, lack, failure or hardship. They become bitter and complain. You do not have to be hard on yourself when things don’t work out your own way. In fact, God uses the agencies of your odds to prove his power. The seed, value, character, patience, wisdom, and resilience you need to emerge as a great person in life is encapsulated in the challenges and odds of life.
Life is full of challenges and the higher you are meant to go in life the more and severe your challenges you must face. Life challenges is not only peculiar to you. It does happen to everyone, irrespective of religion, sex, class, educational and family background. But the question is how you handle your challenges, how you are smart enough to give it over to God and ask for wisdom, grace and mercies to surmount the challenges facing you. Your victory and greatness in life is consequent upon this preceded fact.
God wants to harness your past, present, and future to work out his glory in your life. Hence, the imperative need to trust him inspite of the odds you are experiencing at the moment. We see and judge by the things that happens to us at each material time. But God sees where we are coming from, where we are and where we are going and makes a budget and plan to bring us to a fruitful ending. God has a mountain view of our destiny in relation to his glory to be revealed through us.
We can never outgrow challenges. We can rather grow our faith so big enough that we rarely recognize the presence of challenges. Faith overcomes. Faith empowers. We do not have faith in faith, rather, faith in God. We do not have to rest our faith in systems, persons, promises of men or live by our own calculation, predictions or speculations. Our faith should not be anchored in limbo, rather on the power of God’s word.
The making process is a time of discovery, preparation, development and readiness. You are considered lucky when preparation meets with opportunity. Stop blaming God and see the big picture. Keep developing and trusting in God.
Challenges are essential part of the Christian growth and making process. You need challenges. Go look for them. A car in its making process does not appear attractive until it is finished and put in the show room. The car was not made in the show room. That beautiful and expensive car went through pain of heat, hammering, pressure, abrasive, cuts and joints. It allowed itself to be subjected to the right making process. Its appreciation is a resultant effect.
It is even foolish and childish to turn your back on God or turn over to sin and compromising life because things did not work out your way.
Like a wood, while we are complaining and groaning in pain over the pressure and pain we are encountering, our maker, the carpenter is rather more interested in what we will become when we are through with the processes of cutting, joining and fastening of nails, chipping, smoothening and spraying. He sees the finished product before the work is done on us.
Satan and the wrong choices of men are the root cause of hardship, troubles, lack, sickness, heart breaks and all forms of challenge we face today.
Do not forget you are in the making process. Maybe you did not get the grades, raise you anticipated. Your friends and family may have given up on you. Maybe you barely have enough to sustain you. Maybe you are a victim of circumstance. You may have been abused physically, spiritually, sexually, physically and mentally. May be someone you love so dear walked out on you. You might have been rejected, abandoned or falsely accused. I have good news for you. If you stay in faith and decide to walk in love, God will certainly harness all these odds, failures, setbacks and challenges and make them to work out in your favor and for your good (Romans 8:28).
Trusting God against all odds means loving, believing, and being faithful, confident and hopeful in God in the event of unfavorable life outcomes.
You don’t just trust anybody you see. Trust must be earned and proved by function of integrity, consistency and testimony with the person in question.
God is faithful and can be trusted. God will also prove you as much as you are trying to do same. Your integrity will be revealed in the face off odds and its effect on your relationship with God. Testimony abounds of God’s goodness, faithfulness, love, mercies, promotions, blessings, protection, blessings, redemption and deliverance. Hebrews 11:6 –God is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Do not be discouraged or deceived by the actions of unbelievers and false-brethren who take into liberties the love and commandments of the lord.
Do not be discouraged by those who mock and try to intimidate you by their proud dispositions. Look up to Jesus (Hebrews 12:2).
Trust God to bring to pass, your glorious destiny. Trust God to finally redeem you and all the saints at the end of time from this wicked and crooked world.
Jesus understands your pain, struggles, temptations, trials, and troubles. He is able to help you. Approach the throne of grace to always obtain grace and mercy to overcome all form of odds. Hebrews 5:15-16.
In real life, real time, Satan is going to make you an offer through the agency of
Homosexuals and lesbians
Occult and diabolic people.
Immoral and adulterous people
Envious people
False brothers and sisters.
False prophets, pastors, evangelists, apostles and teachers
House hold enemies
Opposition and opposes
Trust God for wisdom on how to handle and avoid these kind of people. Trusting God against all odds also involves trusting him to overcome and avoid oddly people who are likely to create an oddly circumstance for you.
Believing in God and in a good future
Being righteous
Being faithful
Developing yourself spiritually and mentally
Do not compromise your faith or birthright as Esau did because of his needs.
God is capable to provide, come through for you. Philippians 4:19.
Those whose trust are in God are born of God, hence over comers.
Joblessness, childlessness, marital challenge, poverty, shame, limitation, sin, sickness or Satan.
Trusting God against all odds will make God to go out of his way to ensure that you live and experience a life of victory, blessings, favor and prosperity.
What is trust?
Trust [Noun]. It implies relying on the absolute integrity, ability, power, surety and strength of a person or thing.It also means confident expectation and hope of something from one who made a promise to you.
Trust also mean having confidence in the certainty of future compensation or promise of well-being by someone higher than you are.
Who is God?
God is an eternal Spirit. Self-existing Spirit. He is all powerful, all knowing, and all present in every location of the Universe. He created the earth, man, animal, vegetation, rivers and oceans, the galaxies and every created thing. His true name is JEHOVAH (Psalm 83:18). He is righteous (incapable of error or going wrong), Holy, loving, compassionate and also the God of wrath who repays everyone according to his work. (Psalm 62:12). JEHOVAH is also gracious, full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercies (Psalm145:8).What is an odd?
An odd is an abnormal experience, circumstance or an expectation contrary to what is anticipated. An odd is any outcome that is unfavorable.Trusting God against all odds means loving, believing, and being faithful, confident and hopeful in God in the event of unfavorable life outcomes.
Consistent encounter with failure irrespective of efforts made to become successful places one in an odd circumstance.
Most people have unrealistic expectation of life. They only live in the present. When things does not work out their own way or in the manner they expected, discouragement sets in. They throw in the towel on God. They give in to temporary setback, opposition, rejection, lack, failure or hardship. They become bitter and complain. You do not have to be hard on yourself when things don’t work out your own way. In fact, God uses the agencies of your odds to prove his power. The seed, value, character, patience, wisdom, and resilience you need to emerge as a great person in life is encapsulated in the challenges and odds of life.
Life is full of challenges and the higher you are meant to go in life the more and severe your challenges you must face. Life challenges is not only peculiar to you. It does happen to everyone, irrespective of religion, sex, class, educational and family background. But the question is how you handle your challenges, how you are smart enough to give it over to God and ask for wisdom, grace and mercies to surmount the challenges facing you. Your victory and greatness in life is consequent upon this preceded fact.
God wants to harness your past, present, and future to work out his glory in your life. Hence, the imperative need to trust him inspite of the odds you are experiencing at the moment. We see and judge by the things that happens to us at each material time. But God sees where we are coming from, where we are and where we are going and makes a budget and plan to bring us to a fruitful ending. God has a mountain view of our destiny in relation to his glory to be revealed through us.
We can never outgrow challenges. We can rather grow our faith so big enough that we rarely recognize the presence of challenges. Faith overcomes. Faith empowers. We do not have faith in faith, rather, faith in God. We do not have to rest our faith in systems, persons, promises of men or live by our own calculation, predictions or speculations. Our faith should not be anchored in limbo, rather on the power of God’s word.
The making process
God makes his children during the making process so as to be able to effectively represent him and maximally utilize his blessings and inheritance he bestows on them. The making process is synonymous to the growth or refining process. The making process is sometimes a time of isolation. It is usually a time of obscurity. Sometimes great efforts, talents, calling and gifting are rarely appreciated or recognized. TD Jakes said something striking along this line: “You are first of all tested in obscurity before you are charged with notoriety.”The making process is a time of discovery, preparation, development and readiness. You are considered lucky when preparation meets with opportunity. Stop blaming God and see the big picture. Keep developing and trusting in God.
Challenges are essential part of the Christian growth and making process. You need challenges. Go look for them. A car in its making process does not appear attractive until it is finished and put in the show room. The car was not made in the show room. That beautiful and expensive car went through pain of heat, hammering, pressure, abrasive, cuts and joints. It allowed itself to be subjected to the right making process. Its appreciation is a resultant effect.
It is even foolish and childish to turn your back on God or turn over to sin and compromising life because things did not work out your way.
Like a wood, while we are complaining and groaning in pain over the pressure and pain we are encountering, our maker, the carpenter is rather more interested in what we will become when we are through with the processes of cutting, joining and fastening of nails, chipping, smoothening and spraying. He sees the finished product before the work is done on us.
Satan and the wrong choices of men are the root cause of hardship, troubles, lack, sickness, heart breaks and all forms of challenge we face today.
Do not forget you are in the making process. Maybe you did not get the grades, raise you anticipated. Your friends and family may have given up on you. Maybe you barely have enough to sustain you. Maybe you are a victim of circumstance. You may have been abused physically, spiritually, sexually, physically and mentally. May be someone you love so dear walked out on you. You might have been rejected, abandoned or falsely accused. I have good news for you. If you stay in faith and decide to walk in love, God will certainly harness all these odds, failures, setbacks and challenges and make them to work out in your favor and for your good (Romans 8:28).
Trusting God against all odds means loving, believing, and being faithful, confident and hopeful in God in the event of unfavorable life outcomes.
You don’t just trust anybody you see. Trust must be earned and proved by function of integrity, consistency and testimony with the person in question.
God is faithful and can be trusted. God will also prove you as much as you are trying to do same. Your integrity will be revealed in the face off odds and its effect on your relationship with God. Testimony abounds of God’s goodness, faithfulness, love, mercies, promotions, blessings, protection, blessings, redemption and deliverance. Hebrews 11:6 –God is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Do not be discouraged or deceived by the actions of unbelievers and false-brethren who take into liberties the love and commandments of the lord.
Do not be discouraged by those who mock and try to intimidate you by their proud dispositions. Look up to Jesus (Hebrews 12:2).
Trust God to bring to pass, your glorious destiny. Trust God to finally redeem you and all the saints at the end of time from this wicked and crooked world.
Jesus understands your pain, struggles, temptations, trials, and troubles. He is able to help you. Approach the throne of grace to always obtain grace and mercy to overcome all form of odds. Hebrews 5:15-16.
In real life, real time, Satan is going to make you an offer through the agency of
Homosexuals and lesbians
Occult and diabolic people.
Immoral and adulterous people
Envious people
False brothers and sisters.
False prophets, pastors, evangelists, apostles and teachers
House hold enemies
Opposition and opposes
Trust God for wisdom on how to handle and avoid these kind of people. Trusting God against all odds also involves trusting him to overcome and avoid oddly people who are likely to create an oddly circumstance for you.
Things you must not stop doing:
Do not stop:Believing in God and in a good future
Being righteous
Being faithful
Developing yourself spiritually and mentally
Do not compromise your faith or birthright as Esau did because of his needs.
God is capable to provide, come through for you. Philippians 4:19.
Trusting God requires certain parameters:
- Make sure you are born again and in a current working relationship with God.
- Have faith in God and in his promises.
- Get to know God more intimately by studying his word and being effective in prayers.
- Be open minded to the move and leading of the spirit.
- Have an incurable and irrevocable hatred for sin, unrighteousness and wickedness.
- Live a pure life in your conscience, sexual life, financial life, and in your relationships
- Find out what the will of God is for your life per time through prayer and the voice of the spirit.
- Always trust and obey
- Do not be moved by what you see, feel or hear.
- Realign your thoughts with the word of God. Think God thoughts. Think faith thoughts.
- Let your confession be positive and based on God’s promises.
- Be responsible, dependable and committed to excellence in all that you do.
- Live a life of praise unto God
- Do not live your life to always please people and displease God or yourself.
- Eliminate fear.
- Keep the right company
- Always do what is right.
Those whose trust are in God are born of God, hence over comers.
What does it mean to overcome?
To overcome means to conquer or defeat whatever had conquered you in the past. It maybe:Joblessness, childlessness, marital challenge, poverty, shame, limitation, sin, sickness or Satan.
Trusting God against all odds will make God to go out of his way to ensure that you live and experience a life of victory, blessings, favor and prosperity.
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